about me
my second love - dance
the theatre is...
an actor reigns...

The theatre is a magic art, I love it for its uniqueness. It is unusual, that having ordinary needs, dreams, worries and doubts I may for a few hours forget about problems of the whole world.  It enables me to move into the past, hundred or more years ago, and impersonate in a character’s psyche, I am to perform, think like the character, take over the gestures and way of movement. Every performance is a challenge, it is necessary to struggle with. Thus an actress must continuously develop a desire of learning and perceiving. It constitutes constant attempts of improving oneself (acquiring new acting techniques, private singing and dancing lessons, retaining in oneself “the freshness of spirit”). Everything goes by, time is merciless.  According to me, the true wisdom is based on accepting the changes that occur in each of us. Glimmering in favourable circumstances and diminishing with no response equally fast is not the point. The point is to keep the fire (acting) burning by means of one’s work and proper choices, what shall never fade away.

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